Small Groups

Small Groups are a chance for St. Paul members to spend time with each other in fellowship, whether it be studying and discussing the Bible, learning a new skill together or enriching the spirit through activity. No matter where you are on your faith journey, a small group can help you foster a great relationship with other members, strengthen your understanding of scripture, bring you closer to God, help you get in shape or all of the above!

 Group Name   Day and Time   Topic  Contact
 Men of Faith Sat. 1 & 3 9am Tba  Yogesh Padania
 Aegis Group  Sat. 2nd 9:15am  Tba  Cheryl Harmon
 Coram Deo  Sun. 7:45am Romans  Caesar & Vicki Ramirez
Family of Faith Sun. 3pm, 2x/month Tba  Yogesh Padania – at families home
Revelation 1st and 3rd Sun. 3-7pm Joe Valdez & Mel Bactad – Contact Joe
TBS Tue. 10am  Tba Chuck Howard & Nancy Ancheta
Spiritual Lifters Wed. 7pm  Dust to Glory Pam Blankenbeckler
 Mary Ruth Circle Thurs. 3rd wk 10am  Leaders Choice Billie Thoresen
FBS Fri 11am Tba Lolita Flores
TGIF Fri 7pm Tba Vi Bautista & Peny Capistrano & Rommel Perez